Budget: Open budget
Specific National rules
Project Applications must be submitted online via FFG ecall: https://ecall.ffg.at/Cockpit/Cockpit.aspx
All Information about the national funding programme: https://www.ffg.at/programm/basisprogramm
Rules and procedures: https://www.ffg.at/sites/default/files/downloads/bpunternehmensprojektkombileitfaden_22082018_1.pdf
Application via other thematic funding programmes is possible.
Guideline Eligible Costs: https://www.ffg.at/recht-finanzen/kostenleitfaden
Eligible costs and funding rates
All companies registered in Austria are eligible for funding, universities and research centers can be funded as subcontractors only. In addition to the EUREKA project form, the Austrian participant has to submit a separate national full proposal to the General Program (Basisprogramm) or other thematic national funding programmes via eCall of the FFG. The evaluation of the Austrian project part is carried out by internal experts. The project must fulfil the national criteria (“Basisprogramm-Leitfaden” or Leitfaden of thematic funding programmes). There is no dedicated budget for this call.
Basisprogramme: Funding in Austria is provided on an annual basis only, therefore follow-on applications must be submitted for the max. duration of 3 years.
The funding provided by FFG are grants:
- up to 60% of the eligible costs for small companies,
- up to 50% of the eligible costs for medium-sized companies and
- up to 40% for large companies.
Additional documents required
Full national Basisprogramm proposal
Contact persons
EUREKA Project Manager(s):
Marie Katharine Traunfellner marie-katharine.traunfellner(Replace this parenthesis with the @ sign)ffg.at Tel: +43 57755-4705
Dr Michael Walch michael.walch(Replace this parenthesis with the @ sign)ffg.at Tel: +43 57755-4901
Belgium – Flanders
VLAIO – Belgium – Flanders
There is an open budget for this call.
All companies registered in Flanders are eligible for funding, universities and research centers can be funded as subcontractors only (the company has to pay for the non-funded part).
A Flemish application form must be submitted (see below); The deadline for the national application is 20.08.2021.
All information about the Flemish funding programs & online submission form:
The company must have a sustainable business model with valorization in the Flemish region.
Funding rates are depending on the type of research (research project versus development project), the type of the organisation and of the type of partnership.
The funding provided by VLAIO are grants:
Research projects: 50% – 60%
- 50% basic percentage
- 10% additional funding when none of the partners in the (international) consortium has more then 70% of the project budget
- 10% extra funding for SMEs
- maximum 60% funding in total
Development projects: 25% – 50%
- 25% basic percentage
- 10% additional funding when none of the partners in the (international) consortium has more then 70% of the project budget
- 10% extra funding for medium enterprises, 20% extra funding for small enterprises
- maximum 50% funding in total
Eligible costs are personnel cost, direct & indirect cost, subcontracting.
In addition to the EUREKA Project Application Form, partners from Flanders have to submit an application to VLAIO by the 20.08.2021.
We strongly advise Flemish partners to contact VLAIO for a pre-check of their project ideas.
The description of the necessary documents can be found on
– onderzoeksproject
– ontwikkelingsproject
VLAIO contact persons
– Eureka cluster AI call, ITEA : Frederik De Vusser, frederik.devusser(Replace this parenthesis with the @ sign)vlaio.be
– EUREKA clusters, CelticNet, Eurogia: Lieve Apers, lieve.apers(Replace this parenthesis with the @ sign)vlaio.be
– Penta, Euripides: Francis Deprez, francis.deprez(Replace this parenthesis with the @ sign)vlaio.be
More info on VLAIO website on Eureka networks:
– https://www.vlaio.be/nl/subsidies-financiering/subsidies-voor-ooi-een-internationaal-consortium/netwerken/eureka
– https://www.vlaio.be/nl/subsidies-financiering/subsidies-voor-ooi-een-internationaal-consortium/netwerken
Budget: 1 M€
IFDs Funding and Eligibility criteria for Danish participants
Funding of projects:
Innovation Fund Denmark (IFD) funds projects only if at least one Danish industrial partner is participating. IFD can fund all types of partners and encourage large enterprises, universities, research organisations as well as SME’s to participate in the call.
IFD can fund up to €300.000 to a Danish partner and up to €500.000 to all partners if there is more than one Danish partner in an application.
IFD asseses all projects with Danish partners. IFD will prioritize projects
- demonstrating a clear benefit of the international cooperation to the Danish partners
- having a significant impact on knowledge based growth and employment in Denmark
Please read more about the Danish funding rules here (link til General guidelines to International projects) .
Eligible costs and funding rates
De minimis funding (Optional): As an alternative to the above mentioned public investment under the General Block Exemption Regulations (GBER[1]), Danish enterprises can choose to be financed according to the European Commission’s de minimis regulation. If the de minimis regulation is applied, the maximum investment for a three-year period is 200.000€ (app. DKK 1.5 mil). Under the de minimis regulation, salary is calculated based on a fixed rate of DKK 750 (app. 100€) per hour including overhead. Other costs are calculated as actual costs without overhead. IFD’s funding rates for de minimis are 60% of the calculated cost for basic- and industrial research and 33% for experimental research activities.
IFD’s eligibility criteria:
- A Danish enterprise participating in an international application must have a turnover of at least DKK 2 mio. Or, in the preceding financial year, have attracted an investment of at least DKK 500.000 or have an equity of at least the same amount.
- Danish Start-up companies existing for less than 3 years, must document an ability to self- fund their part of the project not including other publicly funded projects, but considering that they also have to fund their share of such projects. IFD strongly recommends all Danish enterprises to check their financial eligibility. It is recommended to use the financial viability checking tool developed for the Eurostars programme. The tool can be found here: https://viability.eurostars-eureka.eu/
- The definition for SMEs and large companies follows the EU definition.
- The state aid rules apply for the programme, including the definition of “an undertaking in difficulties”[2].
- Danish SMEs or “single undertakings” as defined in article 2.2 in the regulations for de minimis[3], can only participate in one application per call.
- Partners funded by IFD must be registered as Danish legal entities, have economic activities in Denmark and the activities funded by IFD and EU must be conducted in Denmark.
- Subcontracting must be clearly described in the application and in the budget overview or approved (using the formal change request format) by IFD.
- [1] https://ec.europa.eu/competition/state_aid/legislation/block.html
- [2] Commission Regulation (EU) No. 651/2014 of 17. June 2014, article 2, paragraph 18
- [3] Commission Regulation (EU) No 1408/2013 of 18 December 2013
Additional documents required
Each Danish applicant must register in the national e-grant system and upload the EUREKA application no later than 2 weeks after the call deadline.
Contact persons
Børge Lindberg Phone: +45 6190 5012 Mail: boerge.lindberg(Replace this parenthesis with the @ sign)innofond.dk
Jens Peter Vittrup Phone: +45 6190 5023 Mail: jens.peter.vittrup(Replace this parenthesis with the @ sign)innofond.dk
Business Finland – Finland
The eligibility of a Finnish applicant is the same as eligibility in national calls. Start-ups, SMEs, midcaps, big companies, universities, research organisations each have their specificities. The composition of the consortium (those from Finland) is crucial, and the applicants will be advised when they contact BF prior to submitting the application. Strong involvement of larger SMEs and midcap size companies is a must.
The Finnish applicants (members of applying consortia) are required to contact Business Finland one month before the Call Deadline. This will allow BF to commit fully and timely in the evaluation and labelling process.
National funding applications of the AI JOINT CALL are evaluated by Business Finland’s experts on technology, growth impact, management and financing.
Funding may be granted to all areas of technology and there is a continuous call. Good consortia can be funded with no specific Euro limit, with project lengths usually under 3 years
BF’s funding is intended for challenging and innovative research and development projects in SME companies, large companies, universities and research institutes. The main target group are SMEs seeking growth in internationalization. International cooperation and its impact should be visible. Companies should have a credible internationalization plan and real business goals including export targets.
Funding may be a grant or a low-interest loan, depending on the stage of the innovation and the nature of the proposed project. A project may also involve researcher mobility.
Project partners that want to receive funding from Business Finland need to submit a national application, if the project proposal gets the Eureka label. The consortium’s Finnish coordinator should agree with Business Finland about submitting the national funding applications, including a detailed project plan and budget. This applies to organisations with a business ID (Y-tunnus) in Finland.
When agreed with Business Finland, the national application is submitted in the on-line service
The programme indication shall be marked EUREKA AI JOINT CALL in the application form.
Tom Warras
National EUREKA project coordinator
tom.warras (at) businessfinland.fi
Tel. +358 50 5577839
Germany, BMWi, DLR- Project Management Agency
Specific National rules
BMWi funds projects with three to five German partners. Each partner must provide a significant contribution for the project. BMWi can fund all types of partners with focus of industrial partners specially SME’s. As a rule the relation between work share of industry and research should be two to one. Economic aspects of exploitation are mandatory. The results should create concrete starting points for the economic exploitation. Potential exploitation partners are to be named. Technologies already available today are to be used (Technology Readiness Levels at least 4), basic research will not be funded! The project should demonstrate technological feasibility and economic benefits for involved industries. BMWi will prioritize projects demonstrating a clear benefit of the international cooperation and for the economic site of Germany. Detailed information is available on the website:
Eligible costs and funding rates
The indicative budget is maximum 5 Mio. € grant for one or two projects, depending on budgetary disposability. Project specific costs are eligible costs, e.g. costs for personnel, travel, materials, equipment or external development services.
Funding rates:
- – small and medium enterprises 50 %
- – large enterprises 40 %
- – research centers (e.g. Fraunhofer) 90 %
- – Universities 100 %
For more details see https://www.digitale-technologien.de/DT/Navigation/DE/Foerderaufrufe/InternationaleKooperationen/eureka-clusters/eureka_clusters.html
Additional Documents required
It is recommended that each German sub-consortium inform the DLR Project Management Agency with a two-pager about the project idea before call deadline (language English or German). With call deadline each German sub-consortium must submit a ten-page project proposal (language German).
Contact persons
DLR- Project Management Agency
Ms. Dr. Sabine Hemmerling Tel. +49 30 670 55736
Email: Int-Kooperationsprojekte-PT(Replace this parenthesis with the @ sign)dlr.de
Germany, BMBF, DLR Project Management Agency
Budget: tbd.
Specific national rules
BMBF funding can be provided for excellent, innovative, pre-competitive, industrially driven R&D work by German sub-consortia within the framework of bilateral and multilateral European collaborative projects. The thematic priorities for funding are geared to the economic potential and fields of application or sectors in which innovations are largely driven by ICT in the area of Artificial Intelligence for software-intensive systems. Fields of application are Automotive, Mobility, Engineering, Automation, Health, Medical Technology, Logistics, Services, Energy and Environment.
Due to its complexity and its broad and highly demanding field of application, a broad-based research alliance is needed. The contribution to be made must therefore be the result of joint, transnational efforts by public institutions and private companies in Europe. Project consortia must be industry driven. The project outlines received are in competition with each other and will be evaluated in particular for excellence and application orientation.
Eligible costs
Project specific costs are eligible costs, e.g. costs for personnel, travel, materials, equipment or external development services.
Additional documents required
With the call deadline, each German sub-consortium must submit a six-page summary of the project proposal (including goals, tasks, exploitation plans, and funding budget) to the DLR Project Management Agency (language German).
Contact persons
DLR Project Management Agency
Maren Dietrich Tel. +49 30 670 55 8102
Irene Gerharz Tel. +49 30 670 55 8314
E-Mail: itea(Replace this parenthesis with the @ sign)dlr.de
For proposals which mainly address innovations in electronics hardware:
Information on the funding rules can be found here: https://www.elektronikforschung.de/foerderung/bekanntmachungen/penta
Contact: Dr. Gregor Schwartz / VDI/VDE Innovation + Technik GmbH, Gregor.Schwartz(Replace this parenthesis with the @ sign)vdivde-it.de, Tel. +49-351-486797-47
NRDI Office – Hungary
Specific National rules
In Hungary, there is a special support programme that co-finances the Hungarian EUREKA project participants, including cluster project participants. The Hungarian EUREKA Programme has a special budget of 500 million HUF (cca. 1,4 million EUR) in 2021. The application is accepted also in case of EUREKA project proposals and not only with endorsed projects, however the contracts will be concluded with the National Research, Development and Innovation Office as Funding Agency only if the project gets the EUREKA label. The evaluation procedure lasts 2-3 months with the involvement of independent technical and economic experts. In the support programme application of SMEs, large companies, universities and research institutions are accepted, however the public financed institutions need an industrial partner in order to be eligible.
Eligible costs and funding rates
Eligible costs are salaries, equipment costs (amortization), external development services, travel costs, other development costs.
Funding rates:
– micro and small enterprises: up to 80%
– medium enterprises: up to 75%
– large enterprises: up to 65%
– non-profit organisations can receive up to 100%.
– universities/RTOs need a for-profit partner to be eligible in the call
max. funding amount per project is 70 million HUF (cca. 200.000 EUR)
Additional documents required
Detailed information is available on the NRDI Office public website in Hungarian
Contact person
Mr Gergely Mészáros, Tel. +36 1 896 3741
EUREKA NPC, E-mail: gergely.meszaros(at)nkfih.gov.hu
NRDI Office,
H-1077 Budapest,
Kéthly Anna tér 1.
Luxinnovation – Luxembourg
Budget: Open budget
National eligibility criteria:
- Undertaking in difficulty: “Undertakings that are subject to an outstanding recovery order following a previous Commission decision declaring an aid illegal and incompatible with the internal market (article 1(4) of the European Regulation 651/2014), as well as undertakings that can be qualified as undertakings in difficulty (Article 2 (18) of Regulation 651/2014), are excluded from receiving aid.
- Innovation: Applicants should aim at developing competitive advantages on their market and explain the innovation with respect to the state of the art.
- Economic impact: Applicants have to explain the expected return on investment if the project is successful.
- Financial capacity: Applicants need to demonstrate the availability of funds to launch their projects and ensure the liquidity over the project duration and the existence of means to exploit the project results and bring them to the market.
- Incentive effect: No aid can be granted if the project can be carried out in the same way without aid.
- Scheme specific criteria also apply
Funding rules:
Type of activities | Small enterprise | Medium-sized enterprise | Large enterprise | |
Experimental development | + max 15% in case of an effective collaboration (with a maximum of 80%) | ≤ 45 % | ≤ 35 % | ≤ 25 % |
Industrial research | ≤ 70 % | ≤ 60 % | ≤ 50 % |
Contact Person
Mr. Alexander Link, Advisor – Corporate R&D and Innovation Support
Phone: +352 43 62 63 – 864
Email: alexander.link(Replace this parenthesis with the @ sign)luxinnovation.lu">alexander.link (at) luxinnovation.lu
Luxinnovation: 5, avenue des Hauts-Fourneaux, L-4362 Esch-sur-Alzette www.luxinnovation.lu
Eureka launches a second Artificial Intelligence (AI) cluster call. The AI call will be open from March 1, 2021 and the deadline for submitting international project applications is June 28, 2021 via this website. There will also be a matchmaking event and a national workshop to inform participants about this AI call. You can also register for these events via this website under the events page. Links should also be available from the www.rvo.nl
We highly recommend to pre-discuss your project idea with the RVO contact persons: robert-jaap.vanderbijl(Replace this parenthesis with the @ sign)rvo.nl or Simon.Haafs(Replace this parenthesis with the @ sign)rvo.nl
If you pass the international application round, assessment, we invite you to submit a national grant application to RVO. The national application period is open from September 15, 2021 and the deadline for submitting national grant applications is October 12, 2021. When the national application is complete, you can defend your application before an independent Advisory Committee on November 9, 2021. The Advisory Committee ranks the project applications on the criteria of technological innovation, collaboration and economic impact. All three criteria weigh equally. The highest ranked projects receive a subsidy until the budget is exhausted. The composition of the Advisory Committee is published in the Staatscourant.
The Dutch budget for this call is € 4 million. The subsidy percentages that apply:
Grant percentages for research development
Large companies 35% 25%
SMEs 45% 35%
Knowledge institutions 50% 25%
Please utilize this linked Excel budget sheet to prepare your NL budget application. For the call, the subsidy conditions for international innovation apply (art. 3.8, National EZK / LNV subsidies), similar to the PENTA / ITEA subsidy conditions.
Budget: Open budget
Specific National rules:
Portuguese entities participating in project applications that have been awarded the Cluster Label can apply to national funding via the notice “Projetos de I&D Industrial à Escala Europeia” – Aviso PT2020 (soon to be published).
Project Applications must be submitted online via “Balcão 2020”.
All Information about the national funding programme soon to be available at: https://www.ani.pt/pt/promo%C3%A7%C3%A3o-internacional/redes-internacionais/eureka-eurostars/
Eligible entities, eligible costs, and funding rates:
Eligible participants: All companies, universities and research centres registered in Portugal are eligible for funding.
Form, amount and limits of the incentive (article 70º of “RECI – Regulamento Específico do domínio da Competitividade e a Internacionalização”, – “Forma, montante e limites do incentivo “, page 5697).
The Portuguese entities can receive funding in the form of a grant for projects with eligible costs up to 1 million euros. The exceeding amount over 1 million euros, takes the form of a grant in 75% and the 25% remaining amount will take the form of reimbursable funding. For the Portuguese research institutions participating the funding will always assume the form of grant.
Co-Funding rates:
Please check the co-funding rates for eligible costs at article 71º of RECI – Taxas de financiamento, (page 5698):
In general, the co-funding rates are:
- SMEs – up to 75% of the eligible costs,
- Large companies – up to 65% of eligible costs
- Universities or Research institutions – up to 75% of eligible costs
Mandatory “Financial autonomy ratios”:
The Portuguese companies receiving public funding within the framework of AVISO Portugal2020 need to comply with the following financial autonomy ratios (Annex G” of RECI):
- If SME: 15%
- If Large company: 20%
Companies that have been active for less than one year at the date of the application, must demonstrate the capacity to finance the project with equity, equal to or greater than 20% of eligible expenses.
Eligible costs: article 72nd of RECI, nº 1 and in the terms and conditions referred at numbers 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 e 9.
Ineligible costs: article 73rd of RECI
AVISO Portugal2020 provides funding to Portuguese entities through the Portuguese Regional funding bodies (Programas operacionais) that allocate different budgets for funding Eureka-Eurostars projects.
When the investments are located in NUTS II Lisboa, the maximum rate of funding both for companies and to research institutions will be 50% of eligible costs.
Important reference documents:
RECI – Specific Regulation for the competitiveness and Internationalisation domain, which stipulates the framework and general funding rates for applied R&D projects in Portugal.
Aviso Portugal 2020: soon to be published.
Additional documents required for the national application:
After being awarded with the Cluster call label, Portuguese entities must submit a separate national proposal complying with Aviso Portugal 2020 specific access conditions.
As annexes to the national application, the Portuguese entities must add the original EUREKA labelled application, the evaluation report from the EUREKA Cluster’s call experts and the actual label awarding document.
Contact persons:
EUREKA Project Manager(s):
Rita Silva (Portuguese NPC) rita.silva(Replace this parenthesis with the @ sign)ani.pt Tel: +351 939 339 003
Polina Pereira (Eureka Clusters AI Call) polina.pereira(Replace this parenthesis with the @ sign)ani.pt Tel: +351 912 425 772
Budget: Open Budget
Singapore is in the process of being established as an Associate member of EUREKA and this should be completed by the submission date of proposals for this call.
Specific National Rules:
Singaporean partners must meet the criteria for Enterprise Development Grant (“EDG”), and file a funding application for EDG through the Enterprise Singapore Grant Portal. To be eligible for EDG support, which is up to 70% of qualifying project costs, the applicant must fulfill ALL of the following:
- Be a business entity that is registered and physically present in Singapore, and;
- ≥ 30% local equity held directly or indirectly by Singaporean(s) / Singapore PR(s), determined by the ultimate individual ownership and;
- Be financially able to see a project through completion.
- Any other criteria as described in the Enterprise Development Grant page.
Additional Documents Required:
In addition to the EUREKA Project Application Form, Singapore applicants would need to submit the EDG application through the Enterprise Singapore Grant Portal by the call deadline. We strongly advise interested Singapore companies to contact Enterprise Singapore early to discuss company and project eligibility.
Contact Persons:
Singapore POCs:
Mr Navjeev Singh, e-mail: Navjeev_SINGH(Replace this parenthesis with the @ sign)enterprisesg.gov.sg">Navjeev_SINGH(Replace this parenthesis with the @ sign)enterprisesg.gov.sg
Specific National/ Regional rules |
Funding is only be available to registered companies and SMEs as per South African definition. These entities may be supported by Science Councils and Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) as project sub-contractors. The sub-contracting should be done on a predetermined distribution of work as outlined in the eligibility criteria of the Call. |
Eligible costs and funding rates |
Each project will go through a financial negotiation process with the national funding body, (DSI & TIA) to finalise the exact percentage funding . The funding will be transferred in tranches in accordance with the project duration. Co-funding between the SA participants and the DSI/TIA to be as follows:
Budget |
€600 000 total for all projects @ €150 000 per project (flexible) |
Additional documents required |
In addition to the centrally submitted EUREKA AI Cluster application form, to be considered for national funding the applicants will be required to complete a national funding application form within 7 working days after closing of the EUREKA Cluster AI call. The application can be obtained at the following website; https://esastap.org.za/applications/ |
Contact person |
Email: Toto.matshediso(Replace this parenthesis with the @ sign)dst.gov.za |
Budget: 0,5 Mio € but flexible
KIAT – South Korea
Specific National rules
KIAT will finance industrial research and/or technological development activities of Korean companies, universities and research centers.
A private enterprise which has been in operation for more than 1 year and which received corporate R&D center accreditation by the Korean government should be included in the Korean consortium.
Maximum funding is 500million Korean Won per year, which is approximately €390.000 per year. The project can proceed for three years maximum.
Eligible costs and funding rates
Project cost is comprised of government contributions and civilian dues(cash and in-kind). The amount of government contributions will vary depending on the type of executing organizations and project in accordance with Article 24 (Funding criteria) and Article 25 (Civilian dues) of the Common Operational Regulations for the Industrial Technology Innovation Programs in Korea. (see: www.k-pass.kr)
A party that participates in a project shall carry out its project using the government contributions allocated to it, and for-profit organizations shall individual bear the cash portion of civilian dues.
Classification | Share of government contributions in executing organization’s project budget | Share of cash in Executing organization’s Civilian dues |
Large company | 33% or less | 60 or more |
Mid-tier company | 50% or less | 50 or more |
SME | 67% or less | 40 or more |
Other | 100% or less | To be borne if necessary |
Additional documents required
The Korean consortium should submit its national application form until 31st of August 2020 on the k-pass system (online).
National submission on the k-pass system is mandatory for the project to get public funding.
Contact persons
Jason (Joosuk) KANG, E-mail: kangjs(Replace this parenthesis with the @ sign)kiat.or.kr">kangjs(Replace this parenthesis with the @ sign)kiat.or.kr, Phone +32 2 431 0591
Inyoung YOO, E-mail: europe1(Replace this parenthesis with the @ sign)kiat.or.kr">europe1(Replace this parenthesis with the @ sign)kiat.or.kr, Phone +32 2 431 0594
Budget: Open budget
Funding Body: CDTI
Specific National rules
The deadline to register the national application is 15.07.2021.
CDTI will finance industrial research and/or technological development activities of Spanish companies. Universities and research centres could take part as subcontractors.
Eligible costs and funding rates
Funding conditions for Spanish partners may vary depending on the nature of the project and the beneficiaries. The features of the main funding tool for EUREKA projects in Spain is available here
National procedure
Each Spanish consortium must apply to CDTI through https://sede.cdti.gob.es/ and register a national application with the following calendar:
- Registration of the EUREKA funding request: Each leader of the Spanish consortia will have to select the type ‘International tech cooperation programme’, subtype ‘Eureka project’ and fill the online request. Full Project Proposal must be uploaded under ‘Documentation’. Deadline July 15th.
- Registration of the national application: CDTI will generate a national funding application for each company of the labelled projects. The funding applications must be completed and submitted by each Spanish Company. A full memory (in Spanish) will be uploaded through CDTI’s system. Deadline October 4th.
Funding decisions are expected within 3-4 months after submitting an eligible funding application.
It is mandatory that project activities do not start before submitting the funding applications to CDTI. For further information, please contact CDTI.
Contact person
Mrs. Juana Sánchez, Tel: +34 91 581 0489 Email: juana.sanchez(Replace this parenthesis with the @ sign)cdti.es">juana.sanchez(Replace this parenthesis with the @ sign)cdti.es
Budget: Open budget
Vinnova, Sweden’s innovation agency, funds projects that focus on the needs of industry with a clear a commercial potential for participating companies.
Expected long term outcomes are, for example, new products, new business opportunities, technological leadership and standardization that are relevant to the competitiveness and competence of Swedish companies.
The Swedish consortium should be industry-driven with a good balance between large companies, SMEs and academia / research institutes.
The effort from the participating companies must be at least 60 percent of the Swedish consortium’s total work effort. At least one Swedish SME must participate in the project.
Swedish SMEs must show that they:
- Have an annual turnover of 1 million SEK according to the latest annual report
- Have a minimum of three full time employees
Funding rates:
- Maximum 50% from Vinnova to Swedish SMEs
- Maximum 30% from Vinnova to large companies
- Up to 100% from Vinnova to universities and research institutes
The maximum funding from Vinnova is 50% of total budget of the eligible costs for all the participating Swedish organisations.
National funding process
- Sending in the international application by June 28th is the first step
- We recommend you to discuss the application with Vinnova beforehand
- Shortly after June 28th we will contact all projects with an update on the coming process
- If you pass the international application assessment we will, around the 20th of September, invite you to submit a national application directly to Vinnova by 20th of October, with potential project interviews after that
- The national application is a shorter version of the international application with an additional focus on the Swedish project, budget, participants and potential for Swedish competitiveness and growth
- National funding decisions will be communicated starting from 15th of February
For further local information about this call, please visit:
Contact Persons:
Fredrik Weisner Programme Manager, Industrial Technologies +46 8 473 31 80 fredrik.weisner(Replace this parenthesis with the @ sign)vinnova.se
Frédéric Pillot Programme Manager +46 8 473 32 01 frederic.pillot(Replace this parenthesis with the @ sign)vinnova.se
Budget: Open budget
Funding rules
- All companies which were established in accordance with Turkish law (stock corporation) can directly apply for funding for their international projects. Universities and research organizations cannot directly be funded by TUBITAK but they can participate in as subcontractors.
- Companies receive certain percentage of their eligible costs as a grant in this call. There is no maximum or minimum limit to the budget of project. The percentage is 60% for large companies and 75% for SMEs.
For further details please visit the National Programme via this link to see the Tubitak web page that provides all needed information.
Contact People:
Umut EGE Mail: umut.ege (at) tubitak.gov.tr
T +90 312 298 1861 F +90 312 427 7483
Ayda KARA PEKTAŞ Mail: ayda.pektas (at) tubitak.gov.tr
T +90 312 298 1729
National Funding Criteria
The indications here of national support for project participants in this Eureka Clusters AI Call 2021 are based on the participants qualifying for such support under their respective national research support programs. In all cases, it is the responsibility of the submitting project team to contact the Public Authority representatives of the countries that they wish to involve, to ensure that the option of funding is available. It is strongly recommended that potential project partners contact their supporting Public Authority to check their eligibility for support under this call.
Eureka Funding is based on National funding policies and arrangements and, as such, is subject to National terms and conditions. It is required that each project participant will submit an application for support in line with National funding processes immediately after, or in parallel with, their project proposal submission.
Project partners from other Eureka countries not listed here, or countries outside of Eureka, must secure their national funding within the deadlines for the call to participate.
Projects launched under this call are expected to start in Spring 2022.