Frequently Asked Questions
What is a Declaration of Acceptance (DoA) and why is it necessary?
A Declaration of Acceptance (DoA) is the formal acknowledgement that the partners in the submitted proposal understand that, to provide all the required services to launch, evaluate, support and monitor projects in the AI call, an administrative charge will be levied on all funded project participants. This administrative charge has been set at 1.5% of the eligible project cost/funded participant, invoiced in proportional instalments over the duration of the project (normally 3 years). The Declaration of Acceptance (DoA) forms (one per partner) must be submitted to the Cluster (or lead Cluster if more than one has been selected) supporting your project application with your project proposal. Project submissions will not be reviewed unless all partners have completed and uploaded an individual DoA (available on the AI website shortly).
My country is not listed as a supporting country of the EUREKA Clusters AI Call – does that mean I cannot participate?
The list of countries is only those who have declared support for the call to date. All Eureka countries may decide to support this Call and/or individual proposals. In all cases, it is strongly recommended that potential project partners contact their supporting Public Authority to check their eligibility for support Call within the deadlines for the Call (before the submission closes).
A list of all national and regional funding bodies in the Eureka network is available on the Eureka website.